Strong Single Moms…It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

Dear Strong Single Moms, How are you? Are you okay? This pandemic has completely massacred the everyday norms. I’m sure you had your struggles before, and this pandemic has made it even worse. Did you become mom and dad, caretaker, teacher and so much more? Did you have to gauge whether or not to keep your job? Do you have help raising your kids? Are you struggling to find support or your “village”? Are you having trouble finding a true work/life balance? Are you thriving but concerned about how long you’ll be able to maintain it successfully? All of this […]

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Before I had Micah, I was the textbook introvert… I made friends quickly and easily, and had outings and such with those friends, but I thrived in environments where I could be alone.  I would pass up the opportunity to go out and spend time with family and friends to sit at my sofa alone.  On top of the fact that I am an introvert, I am incredibly shy, especially when I’m in mixed company.  It’s easy to be myself in front of my friends, but I find it hard to connect with other people.  I had an instant connection […]

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Be Good to Yourself: Inexpensive Ideas for Treating Yourself

As a single mom, your entire life is wrapped around your child(ren).  You don’t have time or energy to think about anything that does not directly impact your child’s life.  You ensure that everything runs smoothly so your child can have the best life that they can have.  But it’s okay to take a moment to think of yourself too. I want to treat myself big time, but it’s extremely hard to do so right now. Instead, I have to find inexpensive ways to treat myself in small ways on an average day.  It makes me feel rejuvenated and ready to […]

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I (No Longer) Resent My Baby Daddy

If I am completely honest with myself, I can admit that I resented my son’s father for quite some time. We both had a part in making our son, yet he gets to go off and just live his life as he chooses while I had to become a full-time parent and caregiver.  I felt that I had to put all of my dreams and goals on hold to be a parent, while he had to do nothing at all.  I would replay the feelings of betrayal and frustration that I harbored in regards to our relationship and his lack […]

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Single Parents: Do You Struggle to Get Enough Sleep? Duh, Yes We Do!

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) recently released the results of the CDC National Health Interview Survey, 2013-2014 with a major finding regarding single parents and sleep:  Single parents, especially women, were more likely than adults in other types of families to have short sleep duration, frequently have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and frequently wake up feeling not well-rested. If you are a parent, you must know that these results are not surprising. If you’re a single parent, you might be reading this and thinking, “Yeah, so what?” Regardless of the reason why you know this is true, […]

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Things to Consider When Choosing a School District

Micah is headed to kindergarten in the Fall…   To say that I’m freaking out would be an understatement…I am completely losing my mind! A lot of it is because I want to make sure that I’m making the best choices for Micah.  I want to make sure that I’ve made the right choice in the school district that he will be attending. As I moved around quite a bit when I was younger (especially during high school) and lost the opportunity to make some long-standing friendships, I want to stay still when it comes to Micah.  I would like […]

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I have been particularly out of sorts these past weeks coming up to the holidays. I don’t know why specifically, but I just couldn’t get into the Holiday spirit.  But Christmas eve is here, and I’m finally in the mood to relax and enjoy the holidays. I’ve been on staycation all week. It has been a much-needed relaxing experience, especially since for the past few months it has been madness everywhere – work, school, Micah, my mom, life in general.  I have had many sleepless nights, and just completely stressed out most of the time. I eagerly awaited the chance […]

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Dear New Single Mom…. As I sit here cuddling my 4-year old son as he drifts off to sleep, I thought of you… I wondered how you must be feeling, what worries you may have, and just all-in-all how you are doing.  I wish that I knew you personally so I could embrace you and let you know that it will all be okay.  Even on your best day, you may still need that hug for reassurance that you’re moving in the right direction.  Because let’s be honest – sometimes we wonder that, right? Only a few short years ago, […]

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When you’re a single parent, you’re bound to eventually be asked a question by your child that you will have to prepare to answer.  The question that I’m dreading is, “Why isn’t Daddy around?” I confronted my mom with the same question when I was younger, and I could remember the shock on her face by the question.  I was only about 6 or 7 at the time, so I’m sure she thought that she had a couple of years before the question was asked. But I have always been an old soul, and Micah is shaping up to be […]

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My nephew has come to visit! It’s only been a couple of days, but honestly, it has been a great experience. He has been helping me around the house and with Micah…and honestly, he’s been a great person to chat with.   Although only 20 years old, he’s definitely an old soul as I was at his age, and we have deep philosophical conversations about life, entrepreneurship, family life, and ambition.  He asked a question today that really got me thinking, “What are some of the things that you worry about most as a solo parent?” It wasn’t an incredibly […]

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