Let’s Talk About Sex…and the Single Mom

First and foremost, I don’t talk about sex – it’s just not one of those things that I share with the people around me, and I haven’t really touched on it here on the blog at all. I’m going to try to break a record today and test how many times I can say sex in this post – I never talk about it. It’s so incredibly weird, but I feel the desire to share today. Sex is taboo…especially when it comes to the single mom. If she’s having sex, it’s expected that she beware so that she doesn’t end up […]

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Have you ever heard about National Work & Family Month? I hadn’t heard about it either, until Sarah from Me Plus 3 Today  asked me to submit a guest post all about balancing work & family life, since she had recently started a new series called Work-Life Wednesday series. It’s a great series – and I’m enjoying every post so far, especially since my guest post is the 2nd post in the series.  If you’re interested in learning more about National Work & Family Month, check out Sarah’s first post in the series. If you’re wondering how you are going to balance a full-time […]

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For the past week, I have been writing guest posts for some reasons, but I’m quite enjoying it. I love being able to have a writing prompt, and to share my thoughts on other blogs. This one was particularly fun for me because I got to share why I love being a mom of a boy! The #BoyMoms series is a fun series on Chasin’ Mason where moms of boys share their amazing stories of raising boys. When I first heard about the series, I was excited to share my story. I just love being one of the many #BoyMoms that shared their story […]

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When I first wrote about my co-sleeping experience back when I first started blogging, I had never expected that I would still be going through it almost 2 years later. Yep, you read that right – Micah is still in my bed. I kept going back and forth with the idea of getting him back into his bed, but when he turned 3, I really made up my mind to start trying again.  In an instant, he became so a wild sleeper – I haven’t gotten smacked in the face, kicked in the back, head-butted, you name it – it’s probably happened at […]

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I know what it sounds like – it sounds as though you are attempting to escape your responsibilities as a mom. But that’s not the case at all – it’s about understanding the need for a break from your children, so you can return rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to tackle whatever may come your way. As a single mom, it’s so rare that I have the opportunity to take advantage of a mini-vacation, or “Mom-cation”, as I like to call it.  So one day, when I was able to take one of those special Mom-cations, I was so incredibly happy […]

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